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Adu Domba

This event was held on a regular basis and take place in turns. In the Bandung area alone there are some areas that made the venue for this traditional activity. Among others in the region Arcamanik, Siliwangi, Gegerkalong, and also in West Bandung area around Cimahi.

The activity itself is very exciting. When watching this event, our hearts pounding so tense waiting for the lamb's head collided with his opponent's head lamb. The Lambs dressed in a leather necklace and a nail-like heavy metal music players. Dashing and ferocious! For those not familiar with the activities that contain elements of violence, this event might be a bit difficult to enjoy it.

The participants are mostly sheep farmers, who are spread almost all over western Java. Most especially Garut, Sumedang, Bandung, Majalengka and others. Almost every month this activity carried out in rotating areas. Bandung arena of which lies in the valley Siliwangi (in addition to sports fields Sabuga ITB).

Each event would provoke, always crowded with spectators. This activity also has a fairly high prestige because a lot of public leaders who are also fans of Sunda well owners. Prizes at stake are also interesting. A car or motorcycle is something familiar. This is not surprising because the price of a sheep race could reach tens of millions of dollars.

Like a boxing match, this event is also supported by the jury assessors, referees and coaches who come to dance Jaipongan every time his sheep in action. Usually every game is divided into two rounds, and each round consists of ten times the collision of the head. It is also divided into different classes based on the weight of sheep fighter.

The event would provoke, are also frequently punctuated by the attractions of martial arts, traditional music as well. This makes a very lively and interesting activities.

Source: Yogi, indotravelers.com

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