Enrich your stay in Bandung by learning the history more. For a more enjoyable way of learning about Bandung’s history, you could try join one of the activities held by Aleut Community.
Jl. Sumur Bandung No. 4
Bandung 40132
Contact Person: 085720104828 (Indra)
or 085 624 253 835 (Ryzki)
Email: komunitasaleut@gmail.com
FB: klab_aleut@yahoo.com
Aleut Community! is a non nonprofit community with the members of young people who love more about her hometown history and want to learn more about it in a more pleasing way, by appreciation of history and travel. Aleut itself means go walking hand in hand, which is the main way in appreciating Bandung’s history in a more fun and popular way.
Since its establishment in 2006, Aleut Community! tried to present the history of Bandung in the daily life language. The activities each week is to appreciate the history by means of ‘Come, See, and Learn’, by ngaleut (marching) visiting the historical objects, watching history film, eat out, talk, and appreciate music.
Aleut Community! packs a variety of educational activities, especially relating to history. It is more attractive as an alternative learning media in addition to formal studies.
Common activities performed on a weekly basis by the Aleut Community! always associated with good educational activities through the appreciation of history and travel, movies, and music appreciation, writing, little research, or even to learn to cook together.
Anyone who is interested in studying Bandung’s history, please join the Aleut Community! activities.
~ Source: http://aleut.wordpress.com/